Tag Archives: Cooking Chikuwa

Unlock the Secrets of Cooking Delicious Chikuwa: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever wondered how those chewy, flavorful Japanese fish cakes called chikuwa are made? You know, the ones that are perfect for grilling, stir-frying, or adding to soups and salads? They look so simple, but the process is actually quite fascinating! Today, we’re going to take a journey into the world of chikuwa and learn how to cook it like a pro.

What is Chikuwa?

Chikuwa is a type of Japanese fish cake made primarily from surimi, a paste made from white fish that has been finely ground and mixed with other ingredients. The surimi is then shaped into a tube, steamed, and sometimes grilled or smoked.

The Ingredients You Need

To make chikuwa at home, you’ll need a few basic ingredients. Here’s a simple list:

  • Surimi: This is the foundation of your chikuwa. Look for high-quality surimi at your local Asian grocery store.
  • Potato Starch: This helps to bind the surimi and create the right texture.
  • Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the flavors.
  • Sugar: A touch of sweetness balances the saltiness.
  • Fish Sauce: (Optional) Fish sauce adds a savory umami flavor.
  • Dashi: (Optional) Dashi is a traditional Japanese broth that adds depth of flavor.
  • Oil: For grilling or frying your chikuwa.

Steps to Cooking Chikuwa

Now, let’s get cooking! Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your own chikuwa:

  1. Prepare the Surimi: In a large bowl, mix the surimi with potato starch, salt, sugar, and any optional ingredients you’re using. Use your hands to gently mix everything together until it forms a smooth paste.
  2. Shape the Chikuwa: On a lightly oiled surface, shape the surimi paste into a long tube. You can use your hands or a rolling pin to help you form the tube.
  3. Steam the Chikuwa: Steam the chikuwa tube over boiling water for about 15-20 minutes, or until it is cooked through. You can tell it’s done when it feels firm to the touch.
  4. Cool and Slice: Once the chikuwa has cooled down, you can slice it into bite-sized pieces.
  5. Cook and Enjoy: Now it’s time to cook your chikuwa! You can grill, fry, or pan-fry it. You can also add it to soups, salads, or stir-fries.

Tips for Cooking Chikuwa

Here are some helpful tips to make your chikuwa cooking experience even better:

  • Use Fresh Ingredients: Fresh surimi is key to creating delicious chikuwa. Look for surimi that is packaged well and has a light, fresh aroma.
  • Don’t Overmix: Overmixing the surimi can make it tough. Just mix it until it’s combined, then stop.
  • Adjust the Seasonings: Feel free to adjust the amount of salt, sugar, and fish sauce to your taste.
  • Experiment with Flavors: You can add other ingredients to your chikuwa to change up the flavors, like chopped vegetables, herbs, or spices.
  • Get Creative with Cooking Methods: Chikuwa is very versatile, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different ways to cook it. You can even bake it!


Cooking chikuwa is fun, easy, and incredibly rewarding. With just a few simple ingredients and a little bit of time, you can create this delicious Japanese fish cake right in your own kitchen. So gather your ingredients, put on your chef’s hat, and let’s get cooking!

Chikuwa, Japanese Fish Cake, Surimi, Fish Cake Recipe, Cooking Japanese Food

Nguyên Liệu Nấu Chikuwa (chả Cá) Nhật Bản, Các Bước Nấu

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